Royal Primary Care is always looking for ways to improve the services we provide to you. To do this effectively, we need to know what you think about the service you receive. Tell us what we did great, what we could do better and where we don’t meet your expectations. Only by listening to you can we continue to build and improve the services we offer.
Complaining on behalf of someone else
If you are acting as an advocate on behalf of someone else, the practice needs to know that you have their permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be required, unless they are incapable of providing this due to illness or disability at which point we will undertake a ‘best interest’ decision and inform you of the outcome.
All complaints will be acknowledged and replied to within 35 working days, if for some reason we cannot provide you with a response within this time period, we will be in contact with you to make you aware.
Complete the online form below to let us know if you have a complaint, compliment, concern or comment.