Works 3 days a week at RPC West
Before I joined Royal Primary Care as General Practitioner, I was with the Academic Unit of Primary Medical Care, University of Sheffield in 2019 as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow under the Dementia theme. Prior to joining AUPMC I graduated with an MB, BS (2008) from Nigeria with 3 years of clinical experience in various roles and over 10 years of experience in the field of Public Health with a Masters in Public Health (2009) and a PhD in Global Health (2016).
I have worked in different roles and organizations including the National Agency for HIV/AIDS (NACA, Nigeria), University of Jos, Nigeria, The University of Sheffield, UK and NHS England in various Trusts. I am currently an Honorary Global Health Lecturer in ScHARR and an active member of the Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID).
In addition to my clinical role as a GP in RPC, I am part of the research team in Royal Primary Care and my personal research interests are in the areas of global health, health policy and systems research and Primary Care research. My focus is on understanding how complex healthy systems work with a focus on Primary Care using a qualitative and mixed methods approach. I am currently focusing on how to use complex interventions to improve health in primary care.
I currently teach Global Health on the Master of Public Health course both the face-to-face and the distance learning programme. In addition, I teach Phase 1 medical students sexual and reproductive health in the Medical school of the University of Sheffield and a visiting facilitator at Imperial College, London contributing to the global health governance lectures on their MPH course.